6 Tips For Choosing an RV Mechanic or Repair Shop

The freedom that comes with owning an RV is amazing because it literally becomes a home away from home that can take you from one end of the country to another. The problem with that invigorating vision is that your travels will eventually require RV service and repair that could potentially deliver a costly blow to your wallet.

The cost of this sort of vehicle may also mean that you’re buying something pre-owned, which could compel the new owner to spend money on RV renovations. Another reality RV owners have to take into consideration is the possibility of an accident and the subsequent chore of finding a place that provides trusted RV collision and service repairs.

To make it easier on that owner, listed below are six tips for finding a mechanic or repair shop when it comes to RV services:

1. Trust Word of Mouth

Reputations for any business are invaluable, since they represent their public perception. When it comes to repairs or renovations of any vehicle, people tend to be very loyal to a mechanic or shop that offers a fair price and performs quality work.

By asking around your community or fellow RV enthusiasts, you can likely get an accurate assessment of the best places to go for RV service and repair. Online opinions might help, but should usually be taken with a grain of salt.

2. Mechanics and Shops Are Not Created Equal

While you may have used your regular mechanic or shop after an accident or problem with your car, they may not be the best option when you need to fix an issue or need RV collision repairs. That’s because of the differences between the two vehicles.

For example, RV-specific features like generators, additional batteries, and different engines, coupled with the havoc caused by a malfunctioning septic tank are not things a car mechanic worries about. That means finding a mechanic who knows all about RVs is the right path to take.

3. Go With Certified Experience

Those mechanics who are equipped to offer quality work on your RV are ones who have taken the time to become officially certified. That means that they’re serious about staying up-to-date on the advancements in repairs and the different vehicles that come out every year.

The longer someone has been performing such work, the greater the likelihood that they can deliver quality work. They know what to expect and what approaches to take, which means prompt attention at a presumably fair price.

4. The Wonders of a Warranty

Having a warranty for your RV is important, as it can help protect you from steep repair costs. Before you allow your vehicle to be worked on, make sure that the mechanic or shop in question will honor the warranty.

By the same token, the work being performed needs to have a warranty or some guarantee attached. Any reputable mechanic or shop will have no problem offering it, which means you should walk away if one appears reluctant or refuses to make such an agreement.

5. Having the Right Equipment

To perform the type of repairs and renovations needed for your RV, a mechanic or shop needs to have specialized equipment in place to handle the job. They also need to have bigger bays in place to accommodate the larger-sized vehicles.

One particular bit of equipment that needs to be part of any business offering RV services is the equipment required to replace roofs to OEM Specifications. Catwalk systems, harnesses and OEM material handling ensure that all parts of the roof can be accessed, installed and inspected properly.

Words of Wisdom

The need for RV service and repair is an inevitable aspect of using your vehicle. Following the above steps help make sure that you’ll be riding again soon and give you peace of mind.

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