Costs to replace your RV carpet in Dallas Texas

RV carpet replacement is a request we get quite often at Coach Specialists in Dallas Texas. RV’s by their very nature are used for recreation and even camping. Carpets in RV’s see a lot of wear and tear and exposure to the elements. As a result, they get worn out very quickly. Also because of the RV’s small foot print, it is a high traffic area.

Replacing the carpet in your RV is certainly something that you could do yourself, however it is important to know that many RV’s are built with the carpet down first and then the walls are put in place over the carpet. Therefore unless you can remove all the furniture and interior walls, you will have to cut around those areas leaving the old carpet visible under the walls.

Combine those facts with the importance of getting the carpet stretched and placed properly, with the amount of time involved and you can see why many people choose to have their RV carpet replaced by a professional RV repair shop.

If your RV has sliders, as many of them do, then the job is even more complicated because the Sliders have to be disengaged and supported while the carpet is being replaced. This is not a job for the Do It Yourselfer.

How much you will pay for an RV shop to replace your RV carpet involves several variables:

Choose The Best RV Carpet

  • Look for a carpet that does not show a lot of
  • Look for a low pile carpet that is easy to clean.
  • Look to local carpet supply companies for ideas on color, texture and pattern if you want to go with a patterned carpet.

Remove RV Furniture

Our first step in preparing your RV for carpet replacement is to remove all the furniture. This includes removal of

  • The pedestal seats
  • The lower panel on the sofa,
  • The center console between the driver and passenger seats.
  • Wall panels where necessary
  • Cabinets where necessary

Removal Of The Old RV Carpet

Your RV carpet is now cut and removed very carefully so as to not damage any of the floor or any electrical or plumbing that might lie just beneath the padding.

We will also check the condition of the sub flooring to make sure there is no water damage, or any other damage that might have come from age and wear and tear.

All the padding and hundreds and hundreds of staples are removed and the surface is prepped for new padding.

The New RV Carpet is installed

Our team of professional installers will then create pattern and templates to cut the new carpet to fit the contours of the interior RV space. Where appropriate we will have the carpet bound to prevent fraying. This comes into place in areas near the front passenger compartment areas where the carpet is much like a mat.

Furniture And Walls Are Replaced

We carefully replace all of the original furniture and replace the walls back to the original factory plan. This involves quite a bit of time to make sure all bolt holes are addressed, and slits and cuts are placed in the carpet to allow furnishings and wiring to be put back into position.

Cleaning And Detailing

Once the job is completed, out staff does a full and thorough cleaning and detailing of your RV to ensure that it is returned to you in tip top and like new condition.

How Much Can You Expect To Pay?

As with anything, the costs will vary depending on square footage, condition of the subfloor, number and condition of the sliders etc. However a s a good safe ballpark figure, you could expect to pay about $2,000-$3,000 in the Dallas Texas market for RV carpet replacement.

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