RV Decoration Ideas for the Holidays

One of the more enjoyable aspects for homeowners is the ability to offer their own take on the holiday season with an array of decorations that get attention from family and friends alike. No two offerings are the same, whether you’re talking about life in a house or one that takes place in an RV.

In the latter case, what works best has to take into consideration certain factors, such as available space and individual tastes. While they don’t take on the scope of true RV renovations, decorating your RV for the holidays can help transform your living space into a festive atmosphere enjoyed by all.

Below are just some of the ways that you can make that temporary transformation, with some coming courtesy of your friendly RV service center:

Truncated Tree

Celebrating Christmas without a tree just doesn’t seem natural for anyone who truly wants to get the most out of the holiday season. The problem is that most standard Christmas trees are too large to fit within the confines of an RV, so it’s necessary to find a smaller one, like a tabletop tree.

The level of decorating that takes place on and around that tree is again up to the RV owner. Some like plenty of ornaments or family-oriented items to populate the area, while others prefer tinsel everywhere to offer an even more elaborate take on the season. Some may want a more sedate look that doesn’t overwhelm the senses.

Lights All Around

Plenty of standard homes are awash in holiday lighting that can often draw people from nearby to absorb the view. Doing that with an RV is possible, though it’s one of those RV services that’s better left to the professionals in order to make sure everything is hung properly.

That approach is especially true if this will be your first time decorating in that fashion. That’s because using an RV service center that possesses the experience and know-how to deliver the type of look that resonates with an intended audience and will be something where you receive credit for the job well done.

Colors of the Season

When you see the combination of red and green, you usually associate the connection with the holiday season. While you could go all out and undergo RV renovations that paint your vehicle those colors, the need to go to such an extreme isn’t really necessary.

Instead, it makes more sense to adorn your living space in things like color-coordinated pillows, quilts and other items that show off your festive spirit. This type of investment won’t set you back much and if you want to prepare for next year, you can usually pick up some great deals just after the holidays.

Versatile Ribbons

Wrapping ribbons that match the season around certain areas of your RV provides for a more welcoming atmosphere, with a price that won’t put a dent in your wallet. While the exact area is up to you, they should be in areas that you’ll be using regularly, in order to get the full experience.

One particular place for those ribbons would be the cupboards in your kitchen, since they can also provide the opportunity for you to show off the Christmas cards you’ve received. Why simply receive the card and then put it aside, especially when you can show them off and be reminded of friends and family during the holiday season.

Garland and Stockings Presentation

The beauty of these types of ideas is that they don’t require the sort of RV services that help keep your vehicle in great shape. For example, even if ribbons aren’t really your thing, then maybe you can simply place some garland and stockings around your RV.

The type of garland can vary, and the stockings may be ones that have been in your family for ages. Regardless of your specific choice, the combination of both of these options once again brings out the season.

Portable Fireplace

You probably won’t be roasting chestnuts on an open fire, but you can certainly have a fire going in your RV when you put a portable fireplace inside. These really don’t cost too much and can be used both before and after the holiday. In addition, you can absorb the atmosphere as the fire crackles.

While you can choose between electric and gas fireplaces, going with the electric version will cost you only a minimal amount of money each month. Plus, the potential danger of gas leaks won’t be present, although being vigilant about plugging and unplugging the fireplace is a necessity.

The Right People

Coach Specialists may not be needed to help celebrate the holiday season, but we can offer our expertise when it comes to RV services you need. That might be related to your HVAC unit, suspension or hydraulic system, or it could involve RV renovations you’re seeking. In short, we’re the RV service center you want to handle your job. Just contact us at one of our four locations or fill out our online form.

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