5 Biggest RV Repair Problems In DFW, Texas

The hard truth a lot of RV owners learn is there aren’t many repair shops that specialize in RVs. In fact, if you’re a new motorhome owner, you’ll have trouble finding an RV repair shop not just in your town, but also county and state.

We originally founded Coach Specialists after our own poor experiences searching for an RV repair shop. We wanted to fix the A/C condensers on our motorhome but ended up with a poor experience overall. Eventually, we ended up selling our auto body shop to a national chain to open what is now Coach Specialists for RV repairs.

Below, we have a list of the biggest RV repair problems in DFW, Texas

Bad Customer Service

As you would expect, most RV dealerships are eager to sell you a motorhome. Unfortunately, that’s where their customer service typically ends. Once you return for repairs, the eagerness is gone. RV repair is hard. It requires specialized work from trained technicians and unique equipment. Beyond that, the work isn’t easy and it certainly isn’t the quick dollar that selling an RV would be. We believe that if a shop doesn’t prioritize customer service, then it’s not worth your time, money, or effort.

Your RV Repair Isn’t Treated As An Urgent Matter

When you take your RV into a dealership for repairs, the level of eagerness and urgency will have dwindled immensely. They’re no longer trying to sell you a motorhome, and so your repair won’t be an urgent matter for them. RV repairs go on for weeks at a time, and as an owner, you don’t have time for that.

Poor Communication

As an RV owner, if your motorhome is in the shop, it’s only natural to want communication and answers. However, many shops don’t prioritize communicating with you what the problems are and may not give you the clear answers you want. Any decent shop provides an itemized list of what repairs will be done.

Limits On Parts

RVs require highly specialized parts, so it’s not entirely easy to acquire them as an auto body shop. If a shop doesn’t consistently work on RVs, then it’ll have trouble figuring out the best way to get high-quality replacement parts, quickly.

Unskilled Technicians

Because of how complicated motorhome repair is, there is a lot of training involved for technicians. However, there’s also a lot of information: housing components, understanding dynamic parts, the sophisticated paint finishes, and even understanding the additional electronic components. RVs are both vehicles and homes at the same time. So, our technicians specialize in repairs, such as plumbing, electrical, and traditional detail-work.

Coach Specialists Can Help You

Years ago, we started this business because we are enthusiastic about the RV lifestyle. At Coach Specialists, we have a passionate team of technicians specially trained in RV repair. Beyond that, we are an exclusive direct-repair facility for insurance companies, such as Nationwide, USAA, and GEICO. We believe in strong customer service and communication and prioritize fast repairs.

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