5 Best Flooring Coverings For Your RV In Plano, Texas

5 Best Flooring Coverings For Your RV In Plano, Texas

Beyond just collision work, Coach Specialists does RV remodeling and up-fitting. In fact, one of the most common questions we hear from customers revolves around flooring upgrades and what can be done to update them. When it comes to your RV, some of the most used parts of it are the seating and flooring surfaces.

It can be challenging to figure out what your best option is when it comes to updating or replacing floor covering. Unfortunately, you can’t just make the flooring just anything. This is because not all flooring options are compatible within your RV.

When it comes down to it, updating your RV’s flooring can be a pretty expensive endeavour. Once you’ve made your decision and had the work done, you’re pretty much stuck with it.

In a majority of RV’s, you can expect them to have a combination of hard and soft flooring. In many coaches, the kitchen and bath areas are the ones that tend to have hard flooring. Where in others, hard flooring is installed in the main living area while there is carpet everywhere else.

Ultimately, though, when it comes to the floor covering durability, the manufacturer’s goal is to save money and provide you with an aesthetically pleasing floor covering.

Below, we have our 5 best flooring coverings for your RV in Plano, Texas.

Vinyl: 5 Best Flooring Coverings For Your RV In Plano, Texas

When it comes to RV vinyl flooring, manufacturers tend to put one of three types: tile squares, sheets, or planks. The benefit of vinyl is that it is water resistant, durable, and fairly easy for you to keep maintained. However, vinyl is a little challenging to install because it requires there to be a smooth surface underneath to be installed. This can make the interior of the RV sound more hollow and potentially voids any of the warranty on the materials after being installed.

Hardwood: 5 Best Flooring Coverings For Your RV In Plano, Texas

While hardwood is a great option and is better than laminate in many cases, it will require a decent amount of care and maintenance. However, it is heavier than other options. Beyond that, you’ll typically see hardwood in either bathrooms or kitchens in RVs.

Carpet: 5 Best Flooring Coverings For Your RV In Plano, Texas

When it comes to replacing RV flooring, carpet is one of the easiest ones you can replace. Beyond that, it is also the least expensive of the options. However, it tends to wear down the most and requires more frequent replacement.

In many cases, RV manufacturers tend to use lighter colors to make the interior space feel bigger and more upscale-feeling. One of the benefits of carpet is that it can help dampen sounds within your RV. However, carpet tends to be difficult to maintain, can retain moisture (and produce mildew as a result), and hold onto bad odors. Over time, carpet eventually will develop stains and bare spots, while also having the padding underneath slowly crumble.

Current RV Floor Covering: 5 Best Flooring Coverings For Your RV In Plano, Texas

For many RVs, the flooring tends to last anywhere between five and eight years. When used regularly, the flooring will deteriorate much faster than a normal carpet. This is because when you’re out RVing, you’re bringing in much more with your shoes than you normally would in a home. There are things like mud, dirt, sand, water, pets, and more.

Coach Specialists Can Help: 5 Best Flooring Coverings For Your RV In Plano, Texas

If you’re wondering what the best floor covering is for your RV, it ultimately comes down to your preferences and lifestyle. If you find yourself often enjoying the outdoors where there mud and dirt can easily get in, then carpet should certainly not be your first choice. However, if you mostly hang around campgrounds or use your RV for sightseeing, then installing carpet will definitely be the cheapest option.

No matter what, regardless of what you decide on, having a professional use the proper tools and install everything correctly will save you a great deal of time and effort.


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