Can I stay in my motorhome while it’s at an RV repair shop in Dallas?

So you’re on the road in your motorhome, heading towards your destination that is several states away, when all of a sudden you have an accident.  Maybe one of your tires blows out or another vehicle collides into you.  Maybe you drive through a nasty storm that leaves hailstone dents all along your roof.  Maybe a fire starts in your kitchen, leaving your interior crispy and full of smoke.  Now what are you supposed to do?  These unfortunate situations happen all the time, causing travelers to be waylaid until their motorhomes are ready for the road again.  Once you find a shop to fix your RV, where can you stay?  A hotel might not be in your budget—especially if your repair might take several days (or even weeks, at some shops).

The answer depends on the RV repair shop.
If you have found yourself broken down in Dallas or Fort Worth, Texas, you might be wondering where you can stay while your RV is being repaired.  This is a common concern among RV owners who have experienced damage to their vehicles.  At some RV repair shops in Dallas, you may actually have the option of staying in your RV while it’s at the shop.  This is the case at Coach Specialists of Texas.  It is our mission to make sure your repair is fast, reliable, and hassle-free.  To ensure this, we allow motorhome owners to continue staying in their vehicles for the duration of their repairs.

A good shop will have you back on the road quickly.
Some shops are more qualified than others to repair your motorhome quickly.  If you choose an RV dealer for your repairs, for instance, you might find yourself on a long wait list.  Dealers tend to put more resources towards selling vehicles than repairing them, so they’re typically not equipped to handle many repair jobs.  If you find a shop that is 100% dedicated to motorhome repairs, you’ll be more likely to be back on the road sooner.  Our equipment, facilities, and technicians are all devoted to providing the best repairs at a fast pace.

An average RV repair takes around 2 days to complete.
While plenty of repairs can be completed quickly, like tire replacement, dead battery replacement, minor dent repairs, and windshield replacement, other repairs can take much longer, depending on the amount of damage.  When you bring your motorhome to a repair facility, the shop should be able to calculate a realistic timeframe for when your repair should be completed.  This will help you to adjust your plans as needed.

Do you have questions about RV repair in Dallas, Texas?
At Coach Specialists of Texas, we would be happy to answer any questions you might have about your motorhome and its repair needs.  Our technicians are specially trained in all aspects of RV repair, including fire/water damage restoration, storm damage restoration, upholstery, carpentry, roof replacement, and more.  For your convenience, we have two additional locations for drop-offs: Plano and Denton, Texas.  If you schedule a drop-off at either location, we will bring your RV the rest of the way to our facilities in Dallas for repairs.  Our mission is to get you back on the road quickly and hassle-free.

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